Saturday 13 September 2014


Of lists and love affairs!!

I have been tagged by a few people to put up a list of ten books that have influenced me in any way. Oh boy! Did the create the biggest conflict in my mind..TEN books?? Are you kidding?? How could I encapsulate  almost fifty years of reading into a list of  a measly ten.. I did start.. But soon started feelin so guilty.. If I included one book I could almost feel the accusatory stare of another book, almost to say... How could you leave me out!! Wow!! I stopped after a while as I started to feel like a two.. three or even multiple timing woman who is trying to juggle many lovers!!! That is when it just dawned on me .... Books have been the longest standing love affair(s) of my life. And each book a new affair, a new adventure which has always brought with it hours of joy, involvement and left me feeling happy, and satisfied- but always wanting more!

My real initiation into this magic world began when I read The Sea Of Adventure by Enid Blyton. Not the best of her books but for me it opened up a 'brave New world' ... The entire series of Famous Five, Secret Seven, Mallory Tower,st. Claires and well ALL the books written by her followed. Stepped into the fabulous English countryside, a world of scones, preserves and ...even the bread and cheese was like a gourmet meal. The books always left me hungry for more.... Food and books!!
The Nancy Drew series, The Hardy Boys series, Billy Bunter  adventures all followed... The only consistent factor being that once I started on one , would not rest until I had read them all!!

The next phase of involvement began with Georgette Heyers, Earle Stanley Gardener, Alistair Maclean and the I can read them 100 times and not get bored Agatha Christie and PGWodehouse.. It brought in intrigue , humour, legal drama and the entry into the most wonderful wordscapes. I, then discovered the whacky wonderfully wicked and delightful world of William through Richmal Cromptons William series.....and so great was/is my love that ,at a later date, I bought all the William books. That was not all.. I got involved with the complicatedly complex mind maze of Sherlock Holmes, was mesmerised by the lonely but magnetic heroes of Ann Rynd. Which in turn turned me to the classics... Jane Eyre, novels of Jane Austen, Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens..... Too, too many to list out. That is why it is such a trauma to make a list..

I realised that it did not matter what I read. From the lowly Mills and Boons to the exalted world of Greek Tragedies , I never discriminated. Each on of my 'affairs' brought something special to my life and I will be eternally grateful to them for it. Books and reading for me have always been more of a sensory experience! The smell of books,fresh and musty, the touch of pages turning and the decadence of a stack of unread books, the visual delight of the different fonts, the sound of music as I picked up and put down a book..... It was and is one of the most all encompassing experiences!
Reading has always consumed me. A book in my hand and anyone can get me to do just about anything... As long as I continued to read!!

Over the years, I realise that my books and I have fallen into a comfortable routine - like old lovers. There is no longer the urgency to spend every minute with a book..there is enough time for other interests and loves.. There are always a stack of unread books with me... It is my silent companion, never demanding, never intrusive and always there when I need to de stress and escape..

So my friends who have tagged me in the book list challenge, this post is especially for you. And Ananth, my love, thank you for never competing and letting me have forever, my first, sweet, sweet love!!

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