Sunday 10 August 2014

The jury is out!

Sipping a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning, my husband just thought out loud-- why does not someone start a newspaper on an online magazine ONLY highlighting women's issues?? That set me on a thought stream... But why aren't there any, any such forums for expression??? Maybe there are.. But not many know about them.... Then I wondered why not?? Because there is no single issue to unite all of us!! There is no commonality in our experiences that is strong enough to make us bond!! Wait... What crap am I talking?? Of course there are issues the each and every one of us face.. But do not have the time, energy,will or inclination to articulate. And then comes the most used line.. How does it matter??
I realise that I am guilty of the greatest hypocrisy! Pretending that all was hunky dory with my situation! It is NOT! I realise that I do want to express certain issues.. at least put it out there for all to react to.
I start with my Body... Is it truly mine?? I take care of it, clothe it, adorn it,keep it in fine fettle! But for what and for whom? My body is seen as a vessel for procreation, a form for release of sexual urges( hard wired into the male DNA we are told) ,a robotic machine for taking on the chores, an ATM in the case of millions of women who work , a tool to sell anything from a faucet to a Jet engine, above all the focus of the basic as well as kinky fantasy of 53% of our population.
Is it truly mine??? What control do I have over it?? I can protect it... Be careful not to get molested or raped, shrink into myself to avoid getting groped..... But what can I do about what some one else is thinking, fantasising, lascivating, ??
Do I really have control over my body when I am told that the onus on not tempting men is solely on ME?... I may be fully and modestly clothed but I still cannot stop men from mentally stripping and molesting me.... And acting on it the minute they get a chance!!
What control do I have over my body when I am like a ticking trigger to , in a trice turn men into bestial lowlife forms just because they can...and in many cases get to act on such urges..
So what do women do?? I pose a counter to my husband---- is it women who really need to talk about these issues or is it the men.. The jury is out!!!

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